
This is the Order Page!

Here you may order anything graphics from buttons, signature pictures for forums, headers, profile pictures, Twitter backgrounds, and more!

The Template for ordering is:

1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
2. What size?
3. Any specific colors?
4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
5. If so, please give a link:
6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
7. Any text?
8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
9. Anything else?

So get ordering! 😀

-TRAV and bTiMe

Also, be aware of timezone differences. Be patient. Your graphic will get done. –vivyo

Please also tell which room you want when talking about backgrounds. Such as Traveler Tree>Third room down -Susie

448 Responses to Order!

  1. Moppydoo says:

    1. I would like a WordPress header
    2. 904 × 160 pixels
    3. Make sure there is some bright blue, but not to much.
    4. Yeah
    5. you can cut off the name if you like
    6. Suprise me
    7. Yes, CP Zone
    8. I want the header to look kind of soft, like a dream if you know what I mean (not blurry)
    9. Whatever works or looks nice with it

  2. flopster says:

    I know you are going to shut down (please don’t!!) any chance you can make this.
    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Profile pic
    2. What size? 100×80
    3. Any specific colors? Purple
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) no
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: a smiley face 🙂
    7. Any text? nope
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) glow
    9. Anything else?
    Make it a surprise 😀

  3. 1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header
    2. What size? Header size? 😛 Coraline theme~
    3. Any specific colors? Black and yellow
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Nupe.
    5. If so, please give a link: Xx.
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Y_MjTFQ3m8g/TSPJ9bi1d9I/AAAAAAAAF54/7LJsDkxmU3w/s1600/happy%2Bface.jpg
    7. Any text? Straight across: “ID10Tz” Make sure it isn’t idiotz. I want ID 10 (ten) Tz
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glow lines around the text
    9. Anything else? No thankz<3
    Can I have this done ASAP?

  4. coke457 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header for blogger blog
    2. What size? The size of a regular blogger header
    3. Any specific colors? Green probably
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) A bog and girl Teenville avatar: http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://teenvilleworld.webs.com/Blogger/Widgets/TeenvilleCommunity1.png&imgrefurl=http://teenvilleblog.blogspot.com/&usg=__povHRsjtLoHbU6k1sLKgenP6VK8=&h=179&w=222&sz=28&hl=en&start=0&zoom=0&tbnid=O0bfcKYYKU9qYM:&tbnh=86&tbnw=107&ei=6TU6TeK1EYn1gAfJw-2zCA&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTeenville%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1020%26bih%3D539%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=297&oei=6TU6TeK1EYn1gAfJw-2zCA&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=40&ty=66
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Light and dark green stripped background.
    7. Any text? Big white text that says Teenville Cheats
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) No
    9. Anything else? The boy and girl Teenville avatar should be one the right and left side of the header.

  5. Zedrick says:

    1. What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy
    2. What size? Normal Forum Signature Size
    3. Any specific colors? Blue, Silver, Green
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=15965
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: http://free.desktopwallpaper.org/3_SCIENCE%20WALLPAPER-238786.jpeg
    7. Any text? Yes, Zedrick, then Demigod
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) glow!
    9. Anything else? No thank you.

  6. Wow! This really is 1 of the most beneficial blogs I’ve ever occur across on this subject. Merely Amazing

  7. bacon says:

    1.xat chat bg
    2.xat bg sizee if u dont know ask me but im sure youve made alot :/
    3.a cool blue any type u like and purple
    4. since mah name is bacon can u put a peice oF bacon like the underline of the words and peice illl tell u the words on the question asks)also some pics of puffles 😀
    6.i forgot like the lines that come in the middle its on ur top banner thing
    7. yes, as i said on top of the bacon underline thing make it say chat all chu want!! and make it say users on the user thing make it say type here!! on the typing box
    8.glowing black shiny outlines on the user thing the type box and the chat box and some shiny stuff on the chat box but dont make too seeable put one smiley xD

  8. xXx Wink xXx says:

    I must be your #1 orderer… Lol
    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Chat BG
    2. What size? Anything
    3. Any specific colors? Green and Red (Try a bit darker this time)
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Anything that goes with text
    5. If so, please give a link: XX
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: http://www.freemyspacelayouts.ca/import/backgrounds/Pattern/christmas-background.gif
    7. Any text? “Merry Christmas!” and a bit smaller underneath “Love, Penguin Frenzee” Have the text rotated counter clockwise 40%
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glows around everything
    9. Anything else? Nope!

  9. xXx Wink xXx says:

    I need a new CP4Real header! “CP4Real” and a bit smaller under that “Celebrates Christmas” (As usual) Main colors red, white, and green. Any pictures that go with Christmas and Club penguin. Glow Lines around everything! (I’m thinking red bg, green text, and white glowlines) Thanks!

  10. RABiD says:

    Sorry for not using the order format, but i really can’t for this.
    Use the text : RABiD
    (Make sure to spell it case sensitive!)
    size : 399, 142
    Format : PNG
    Black BG
    Just Make the text look very cool, and oldschool like, and be able to be displayed on my program splash screen that looks like . Also make it suite
    Thanks in advance! 🙂

  11. xXx Wink xXx says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header
    2. What size? Vigilancee
    3. Any specific colors? Hot Pink and Black ♥
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes,
    5. If so, please give a link: Omg! I don’t know how to get the pics… the aren’t my penguins. If you go to PenguinFrenzee.wordress.com they are in the header… If you can get them from there. If not I’ll try to get a picture.
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTxYiyUbVmgF1OoYKNRVsIjjlFZbg_PHSnxtcTY–8avTMnCYhB
    7. Any text? “Penguin Frenzee!”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glows around everything
    9. Anything else? Nothing

    Graphics Corner: Unavailable to receive penguins. Please give the link. Thank you.

  12. xXx Wink xXx says:

    Do you guys make custom penguins?

  13. xXx Wink xXx says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header-
    2. What size? Vigilance?
    3. Any specific colors? Brown and gold :3
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Anything that goes with the text.
    5. If so, please give a link: XX
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: XX
    7. Any text? Nearly the same as my Halloween header, but for Thanksgiving. “CP4Real” And a bit smaller under that “Celebrates Thanksgiving”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glowlines.
    9. Anything else? Nope!

  14. Nasimbaa says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy.
    2. What size? Whatever size looks best for a siggy LOL.
    3. Any specific colors? No
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes.
    5. If so, please give a link: Ok I have a few for choices.. so here ya go.. (I dont need every one of them I just wanted to give you some choices) http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQpuhHzCTmVuaUOj3onukO6csVnRdDwFR7taxIAyI6ut4yL1a8&t=1&usg=__b_58JcrMowYFBQfRwTsgea-tnss= or http://www.lionking.org/~affinity/zebraassembly.jpg or http://images.worldgallery.co.uk/i/prints/rw/lg/5/9/Disney-Simba-Zazu-And-Nala-5945.jpg
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Any background that goes best with the pictures I chose.
    7. Any text? Make it say “Nasimbaa”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) When your making the siggy if you think any effect will make it look better go ahead and add it im not very picky. 😉
    9. Anything else?

  15. Zedrick says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy
    2. What size? Normal
    3. Any specific colors? Red White Blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=15965
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Swirl/ Starburst
    7. Any text? Zedrick
    Future President of the USA
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) glow
    9. Anything else?

  16. xXx Wink xXx says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Just a banner
    2. What size? About the size of the invites you guys make…
    3. Any specific colors? Neon green and Hot pink
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Anything that goes with the next
    5. If so, please give a link: X
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: http://www.psdgraphics.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/green-layout-background.jpg (Please take the link off the bottom)
    7. Any text? “I Was CP4Real’s Administrator Of The Month!”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) pink glow lines around everything
    9. Anything else? No.


  17. Ashley Di says:

    1. Another header but for a different site
    2. Width 904 x Height 160
    3. Lime Green and Hot Pink
    4. Yes
    5. http://i56.tinypic.com/16gh8i.gif
    6. http://i55.tinypic.com/23m4wv4.gif
    If tht background isn’t big enough you can find it by searching om google images
    7. In the middle I want it to say: Ashley’s Random Thoughts!
    Please use the font Grobold (you can download it for free)
    8. I want the text to glow and you can add sparkes if you want
    9. Blinking text

  18. Zedrick says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) WW forum signature
    2. What size? 500×100 or 340×90
    3. Any specific colors? Blue, Silver, Purple
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=15965
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2HzppnQvcCuGZysUMseAmH7YYoGg7lFgjflO3mV9kYgf_yvY&t=1&usg=__IEYUiwD19dmwaqi5lPiG9z9zitE=
    7. Any text? Zedrick then below I want it to say Demigod
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) glow!!!
    9. Anything else? –

    Paint: Okay.

  19. BeezDuL says:

    I’m not trying to be rude, but I’ve waited a while…
    But I’m fine with waiting a little longer.

  20. Wink says:

    I couldn’t really fill out the form for this order.
    Could you make the hair of this anime blonde, and the eyes blue? When you make the hair blonde keep the ears and tail the same. Thanks!


  21. Zedrick says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy
    2. What size? Normal Forum Signature Size
    3. Any specific colors? Blue and Green
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Trident
    5. If so, please give a link: I do not have a specific picture but the Percy Jackson trident would be nice 🙂
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: A Percy Jackson Like Ocean Background
    7. Any text? Percy Jackson and the Olympians
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) and ocean type glow
    9. Anything else? Note: This is a Percy Jackson type Signature 🙂 I would also like the Percy Jackson font, Windlass.

    Paint: ‘Kay.

  22. BeezDuL says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) same as example
    2. What size? same as example
    3. Any specific colors? same as example
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) same as example
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: same as example
    7. Any text? Replace Razor1911 to: BeeZ-DuL
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) same as example
    9. Anything else?
    example = http://www.razor1911.com/acet1razor.jpg

  23. BeezDuL says:

    Hey sorry about all the posts 😀 but this is the last one.
    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size? Same size as the example
    3. Any specific colors? Same as example
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) No
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Just like example pic
    7. Any text? I want the razor1911 text to be changed to: BeeZ-DuL
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Same as example
    9. Anything else? Can you make it look like
    ^^ is example if you couldn’t tell

  24. Mary888 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    (2) What size??
    Um well the same size as you
    (3) 3. Any specific colors?
    Yes Sparkly pink
    (4) Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    No thank you =)
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary
    No but make backround sparkly light pink and for text colour dark sparkly pink and text be Roshniy Rocks Chobots
    (7) Anything else
    Yes um a picture of the chobots signiture and a pic of roshniy and mary888 please
    Please do my order as soon as possible

    • ♥♦♥|M¡m¡40751|♥♦♥ says:

      Okay I will do this but I need a link to the chobots signature and Roshinit and Mary888 please.


  25. 12345hoebenlme says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    726 × 150 pixels
    3. Any specific colors?
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    a yellow penguin(from cp of course) i got banned so i sorta cant a get a link-but when im unbanned i will get a link(tomorrow)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    skulls and graphiti text plz
    7. Any text?
    bad man -Hoe-the bored penguin
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Green glow plz
    9. Anything else?
    Nah i fine thanks-ill get da link asap

    Paint: Okay.

  26. BeezDuL says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Banner
    2. What size? 1024 x 1024
    3. Any specific colors? no
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) no
    5. If so, please give a link. no
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: A grungy like
    7. Any text?

    7a. I want the font to be this one: http://mfs.sub.jp/font/m32.zip
    7b. Can you make the font look like this, but with a different color scheme? http://mfs.sub.jp/images/font/m32.gif
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glow around the text.
    9. Anything else? Be saved as an 8bit .bmp file.

    Paint: I’ll work on it very soon.

  27. Timmy6118 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    160 x 80
    3. Any specific colors?
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    Tour Guide, Epf Agent, Ninja, Fire ninja
    5. If so, please give a link:
    Can you get it for me plz
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    Tour Guide: Ski Village
    Epf Agent: Epf Room
    Ninja: Ninja Hide out
    Fire Ninja: Fire Dojo
    7. Any text?
    Tour Guide : Tour Guide
    Epf Agent: Epf Agent
    Ninja: Ninja
    Fire Ninja
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)

    Traveler will be working on your graphic soon!

    There has been a small delay in your order. We are sorry. It may be done by October 26th.

  28. xXx Wink xXx says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header
    2. What size? Anything that fits Vigilance 🙂
    3. Any specific colors? Orange and black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Anything Clubpenguiny That involves Halloween
    5. If so, please give a link: X
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Anything black and orange
    7. Any text? Cp4Real! And in smaller text (Not too small) Celebrates Halloween!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glowlines around everthing. (Orange)
    9. Anything else? Nope!

  29. Zedrick says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy
    2. What size? normal forum Signature size 🙂
    3. Any specific colors? Blue and Silver please
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=15965
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Hogwarts
    7. Any text? Zedrick
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glow and Rounded Edges and Text Outline
    9. Anything else? Ravenclaw Crest please! (Harry Potter)

    GC: Being worked on.
    EDIT: Finished!

  30. BeezDuL says:

    1.Siggy Pic
    2. 921 x 167
    3. only colors: pure red, pure yellow, pure blue, pure white, 50% gray, pure black
    4. this starfield, as a background
    5. http://joakim.erdfelt.com/wiki/themes/SpaceWiki/images/starfield.png
    6. An outer space like background (NO PLANETS!)
    7. BeeZ-DuL
    8. glow, cool retro font, glow, star
    9. Very cool, Making for a keygen title logo

  31. Ashley Di says:

    1. Another header

    2. Width 904 Height 160

    3. Hot Pink and yellow

    4. Yes

    5. http://i52.tinypic.com/2v29r89.jpg

    6. I want the background to be the club penguin Town background (tinted please)

    7. At the top in big letters I want it to say: The Club Penguin Star
    At the bottom in smaller letters: Cheats, Glitches, And More
    Anywhere else in very small letters: Brought To You By Ashley Di

    8. Penguin and text should glow, and please put paint splatters on it.

    9. Please make the text blink


    ~Ashley Di

  32. Exogie says:

    Can you do one like this? (in link) –

    If yes then can you do one with this picture (in link) –

    and with Gray Text Originally, but then it flashes black or really dark gray. 🙂

  33. flopster says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.):Blog header
    2. What size?950 × 200 pixels
    3. Any specific colors?yellow orange and red
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)me-thunter and vanilla
    5. If so, please give a link:
    me- http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=28498
    vanilla: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=19545
    thunter: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=36241
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: just colours plz
    7. Any text? Wiglington dynamite
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) glow plz
    9. Anything else?
    Please can there be a explosion in the middle and can thunter be on one side of the text vaniall the other and my head popping up under it?

    thanks! 🙂

  34. tarheels1 says:

    Hey Trav/everyone Else.

    I would like to Order a Banner/Title image for my Tinkatolli Blog.

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)- Banner/Title Image for WordPress Blog.
    2. What size?- Im not sure Specificly i just know its a regular banner for a WordPress. Blog not a Signature but a Header for the Blog.
    3. Any specific colors?- Red Blue Green
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) no Just have the Background be Colorful.
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:- Any colorful Background is fine. something very “Eye Catching”
    7. Any text? No any kind is fine except have it be a Little Swirly not regular.
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) um i’d like a Glow Bumpy Texture maybe?
    9. Anything else? Nope

    ~Thanks, Guys! 😀

    • tarheels1 says:

      Also i would like it to Say “Tinka Guide!”

      -Sorry for not posting that in the first Comment.

    • Evesmarty says:

      Ill do it tar, But create the blog then go to Header, where you upload the Header for the blog, and It’ll say the size, we need the size. Otherwise you might have to crop it.. and It will crop out good parts. -.-

  35. Zedrick says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) ProfilePic
    2. What size? normal forum Avatar Pic Size
    3. Any specific colors? blue please
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) yes My avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=15965
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Swirl
    7. Any text? Zed
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Scanning like yours Tarveler97
    9. Anything else? that’ll do!

  36. Ricky says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) siggy
    2. What size? 500×100
    3. Any specific colors? Green and Orange
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=32480
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Assorted paint splatters
    7. Any text? Ricky, The gLeek
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Can u make me head babble?
    9. Anything else? Thanks

  37. timmy6118 says:

    i need a custom penguin. mimi your my buddy in cp. you can find out what he looks like and then give the picture to Paint.i want both of you to do it

  38. Ashley Di says:

    1. A banner
    2. I want the height to be 200 and the width 140
    3. Light pink and hot pink
    4. Yes
    5. http://i52.tinypic.com/2v29r89.jpg
    6. No but I would like the background to be light pink and hot pink stripes coming out from the center like your header but with the colors I provided
    7. At the top I want it to say : The Club Penguin Star
    At the bottom I want it to say: Click Here
    AI want the words “Click Here” To blink
    8. Please make all of the words and my penguin glow white
    9. You can add anything else to make it awesome 😉

    ~Ashley Di

  39. Wink says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Sidebar Picture
    2. What size? IDK
    3. Any specific colors? Green & Purple
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Anything that goes with the text
    5. If so, please give a link: X
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Something with pretty designs
    7. Any text? “Your Ad Here” then below put “Click Here” either blinking or fading in and out (Whichever causes less lag to you guys)
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Pink glow lines around everything
    9. Anything else? White text

  40. zackmasters says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) a banner
    2. What size? i dont mind
    3. Any specific colors?
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) yes
    5. If so, please give a link:http://i51.tinypic.com/v7silx.png

    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: http://tinypic.com/r/11t0pq9/7
    7. Any text? TDY Gang a new virtual world coming soon!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) a white outline
    9. Anything else?

  41. Timmy6118 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    White BG and text colors –> White as club penguin logo for CLUB, That yellow as club penguin logo for PENGUIN,yellow as club penguin logo for SUPREME
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    None just white bg
    7. Any text?
    Club Penguin Supreme
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Font: Bonk Fatty
    9. Anything else?
    Make that same color outline,Make those shadows like in club penguin logo.You know tht shadow.You can do tht if possible. 😉

  42. StokedKid says:

    Do you do surprise siggies? If so, please make me a WW Sig XDXDXDXD!

    Wiki – http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=13855

  43. 1. Header

    2. 904×160

    3. Hot Pink and Lime Green

    4. I would like my penguin to be on the left side of the header

    5. http://custompenguincorner.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/better-custom-penggg.png

    6. I would like the Club Penguin town as my background. I want it tinted Hot Pink and Lime Green

    7. At the top in big letters- The Club Penguin Star
    At the bottom in smaller letters- Cheats, Glitches, and More
    I want it to be in bumbastika

    8. I would like the words to glow.

    9. I want the words “The Club Penguin Star” to blink.

    Also feel free to add ANYTHING to make it look awesome!

    ~Ashley Di

  44. flopster says:

    hey flopster here again.

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)-blog header
    2. What size?780×95
    3. Any specific colors?-red and blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)plz can i have my avatar and tnajeffhardys
    mine wiki: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=28498
    jeff’s: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=42110
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:just the colours plz
    7. Any text?- ww weekly
    bringing you new updates every week
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)-glow plz
    9. Anything else? nah thanks

  45. Buffye says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want?
    Widget Titles
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    Blue in the background. Yellow text
    4. Would you like any specific pictures?
    5. If so, please give a link:
    There is no link
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text?
    How To Become A, Extra’s, Home, Buffye’s Cp Cheats Authors, Our Banner’s, Blog Stats, Weekly Poll, Adspace, Recent Comments, Play Club Penguin
    8. Any effects? Be specific.
    Make the text have a yellow glow
    9. Anything else?

  46. squirrelya says:

    1.Banner plz
    2. wordpress banner size
    3. green and black
    5. sorry my account is banned,if u could plz find a pic of ”edgedum” on CP,thanks 😦
    6. pizza parlor in cp
    7. Edgedum’s CP blog
    8. suprise me
    9. suprise me

    sorry for not having my avatar link…..somebody banned it.. :@

    Paint: ok

  47. coke457 says:

    OK I know I am not using the order layout but it is easy this way 🙂

    Here is the text http://games.gearlive.com/blogimages/supersmashbrosbrawl.jpg ( don’t use the text in the word brawl.)

    Now I want a profile piecture like thing that says ADMIN in super smash bros brawl font (the one in the example font picture above)
    And can you also add another one to but insted of it saying ADMIN make it say MOD.

    And please make the background black.


  48. Timmy6118 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Banner ( a banner nor widget title)
    2. What size?
    Something that fits in the widget thing.
    3. Any specific colors?
    Blue and darnk blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:

    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    The club penguin shy with clouds
    7. Any text?
    Club Penguin Supreme , Click Here
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    9. Anything else?
    Make the “Click Here!” Blink
    Make the 2 penguins move around like Munnys banner.But instead of rotating. Make it come in and then out. (1 Penguin at a time plz)
    And thts all. 😀
    P.S. Do you guys make automatic banners?And Do you make custom penguins?

  49. xXx Wink xXx says:

    1.What kind of graphic? ( Profile Pic, Header, etc.) “Gravatar”
    2. Size? Whatever fits?
    3. Any particular colors? Not really
    4. Any particular pictures? Yes
    5. If yes, please give a link to the picture: http://www.clubpenguin.com/company/images/media_page_penguin.gif
    6. Any particular background? Yes
    7. If yes, please give a link to that background: http://cdn.nextsmallthings.com/coolchaser.com/image-7517636.jpg
    7. Text? “ZAP!”
    8. Effects? (Glow lines, textures, etc.) Pink Glow lines around everything

  50. Coolie887 says:

    Graphic: What type of graphic(s) do you want? Header

    Colors: What are the main colors you want? I will give you two background images to use. Number 1: http://clubpenguinrockout.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/ring-the-bell-fair-game5.gif
    Number2: http://purpalooloo.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/cp-3.jpg

    Picture: What picture would you like on it? If it’s specific give a link. http://www.thirtyonethirty.com/postimages/tickets.jpg

    Text: What would you like it to say?
    Join Coolie887 At the Fall Fair!
    Font: What font would you like?
    Shoestore for “Join Coolie887″ And Dark Crstyel outline for the rest.

  51. flopster says:

    oh and i forogt to say if possible could there be a animatted explosion!
    If not a pic explosion is fine 🙂

  52. flopster says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)blog baner plz
    2. What size?950×200
    3. Any specific colors?red and orange and yellow
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)-me and thunter in it plz
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:just the colours i said plz
    7. Any text?Wiglington dynamite
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)-blue glow plz
    9. Anything else?uh maybe plz can it have a big explosion in the middle of it thnks 🙂

  53. elimz says:

    Red Yellow and Orange.

    Background of Club Penguin Snowforts.
    In the font Very Damaged, http://www.dafont.com/very-damaged.font I want it to say Bullies. And in Hand of shawn, put the motto below saying Army You Want to Avoid!
    Little splatters looking like blood.
    Nope. Thank you.

  54. elimz says:

    Red Yellow and Orange.

    Background of Club Penguin Snowforts.
    In the font Very Damaged, http://www.dafont.com/very-damaged.font I want it to say Bullies. And in Hand of shawn, put the motto below saying Army You Want to Avoid!
    Little splatters looking like blood.
    Nope. Thank you.

  55. xXx Wink xXx says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Support Banner
    2. What size? Whichever fits the sidebar
    3. Any specific colors? Rainbow?
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Nope.
    5. If so, please give a link: ^
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Nope.
    7. Any text? Order at Graphics101!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Anything you want…
    9. Anything else? Make it similar to my header. Thanks!

  56. RoxiPotter says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) A siggy for the WW forums
    2. What size? I dont know what size WW forums siggys are supposed to be
    3. Any specific colors? Something with a light green looking color.
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yeah
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=46650
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Idk.t
    7. Any text? “RoxiPotter” and “The Wizard Of WW”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, extures, etc.) Not really.
    9. Anything else? Thank youuu 🙂

    Btime’s edit: Sorry for the long wait. Traveler told me he’d do it, but he didn’t. Right now he isn’t available.


  57. Mimi40751 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    Doesn’t matter
    3. Any specific colors?
    Club Penguin Logo Colors (http://www.nextreads.com/uploadedimages/000065/ClubPenguin.jpg) (the words only)
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text?
    Club Penguin Extravaganza
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Could you make it look like the club penguin logo but with Extravaganza added on to it.
    9. Anything else?


  58. coke457 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header for my blog
    2. What size? About a good blogger header size.
    3. Any specific colors? No
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes
    5. If so, please give a link: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8LMnHbRYp1k/TGrxGwDIACI/AAAAAAAABTM/u0TOWiSEwyY/s1600/clubpenguin123jb2image.bmp
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Shadow picture of my penguins body
    7. Any text? Yes somthing that says 123jb2’s in the middthe top of the header and right under it put Club Penguin cheats. And can club penguin cheats be shorter then 123jb2’s? and also make it club penguin logo text.
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) no
    9. Anything else? the picture of my penguin goes both on the right and left side of the header. Try to use his body and put it on the bottum so I can see his body and head. And then a lighter image behind him that is slightly bigger (ghost image or whatever you call it) And thats it!

  59. ~Karatekel~ says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Invitation
    2. What size? 500×500 pixels
    3. Any specific colors? blue and brown
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) yes
    5. If so, please give a link: http://penguinzone5.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/5000-hits.jpg
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: The Hidden Lake
    7. Any text? PenguinZone5 5,000 Hits Party
    Date: Saturday, September 4, 2010
    Time: 2:00PM EST, 7:00PM UK, 12:00PM PST, 1:00PM CST
    Server: Kosciuszko
    Room: The Hidden Lake
    Comment if you can come!!!!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) No
    9. Anything else? Can you make it look like Blueberry’s cause that’s sorta what I’m going for.

  60. Munny1 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    Blue and any other colors that look good!
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:

    http://i31.tinypic.com/25annrt.png (The penguin in this banner)
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    http://media1.clubpenguin.com/play/v2/content/local/en/news/20100805.swf (Go to page A4 and see the penguin on the right of the paper (on top of the mountain). Please use that penguin as my background image.
    7. Any text?
    Club Penguin (Fades in and then fades out)
    Cheats, (Fades in and then fades out)
    Glitches, (Fades in and then fades out)
    and more! (Fades in and then fades out)
    CP Cheats 101! (Fades in and then fades out)
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Make the text and the penguins have outlines and glows (Any color)
    The first Penguin fades in and the text “By Munny1 and XRD Blade!” comes scrolling from the left and exits on the right. When “By Munny1” leaves the first penguin, make the first penguin look like it’s thrown off the page and the second penguin fades in and when “and XRD Blade!” leaves the second penguin, make the second penguin look like it’s thrown off the page. [This is the end of the animation – entire process starts over again]
    9. Anything else?
    Nope! This might take a while so take your time!

  61. Vanilla16 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Profile Picture
    2. What size? 100×100
    3. Any specific colors? Pink
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=19545
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: somthing pink
    7. Any text? Vanilla16
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Suprise me
    9. Anything else? Suprise me


  62. RonWeasly says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Signature
    2. What size? 500×100
    3. Any specific colors?Yellow Black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=32819
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: N/A
    7. Any text? Ron Weasly The Fire Guy
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glow on Charecter
    9. Anything else? N/A

  63. RoxiPotter says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Twitter BG & Matching Icon
    2. What size? Normal size for a Twitter BG, for the icon 1000×100
    3. Any specific colors? Pink and anything else that goes with it. Please dont make it TOO girly, because I’m not girly. 🙂
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yeah.
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=46650
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Umm, I dunno.
    7. Any text? Please make it say “RoxiPotter” then “Your Daily WW Traveler”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) No.
    9. Anything else? Sorry I order so much, I’ve been having problems recently with twitter, so yeah. -__- Lol. Thanks again!

  64. timmy6118 says:

    Graphic: What type of graphic(s) do you want?
    idk whats it called xD
    Colors: What are the main colors you want?
    I want shirt to be orange hoodie
    Picture: What picture would you like on it? If it’s specific give a link.

    Text: What would you like it to say?
    Font: What font would you like?
    Effects: Are there any effects you would like with the picture?
    Make it like this:

    Website: What’s the link to your website?
    click my name
    Other: Anything else that can make your graphic one of a kind?

  65. 1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header
    2. What size? Theme: Vigilance
    3. Any specific colors? X
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) X
    5. If so, please give a link: X
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: X
    7. Any text? Penguinfrenzee!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) X
    9. Anything else? Okay the reason I didn’t answer much is because I just wanted to explain… Anyway! Can I have the header for this website: http://www.penguinfrenzee.wordpress.com but Instead of it saying “Al Pizza Gal and Lila” Put this penguin there: http://a.imageshack.us/img819/595/penguin12.jpg … Oh and when you put in that penguin, make the head of the penguin there and make it holding on to the bottom edge of the header… Thanks!

  66. 1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header…
    2. What size? Your theme…
    3. Any specific colors? Not really
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Eh can you make splatter paint on a random BG?
    5. If so, please give a link: X
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: X
    7. Any text? “Graphics 101” and in smaller print (not too small) “Creativity is the key”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glow lines around white text
    9. Anything else? No…

  67. ,Drake says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Banner
    2. What size? 160 x 140
    3. Any specific colors? Blue & Light Blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Some Background From CP
    7. Any text? The Donut CP
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) http://monchocho.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/smallanimated.gif Make It Sort Of Like That But Not Animated
    9. Anything else? Nope Just Make It The Best You Can.

  68. ~Karatekel~ says:

    1. Widget Tiles
    2. 150×30 with rounded corners
    3. Ivy Green and Brown
    4. No
    5. No
    6. The two main colors like this but slanted and round colors
    7. Whos’ On?
    Pin Tracker
    Recent Comments
    Recent Posts
    Go To CP!
    Coming Soon

  69. 1.Custom Penguin (avatar)
    2.Any. Size for a perfect avatar but it has to fit in my gravator.
    3.No. Just a Custom Peng with white background.
    4. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3952/looksa.png
    7. Nope

  70. 1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Twitter Background and Avatar
    2. What size? Normal size for a twitter background, and the icon to be 100×100
    3. Any specific colors? Purple and anything else that goes good 🙂
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes.
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=46650
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: I don’t know.
    7. Any text? Please make the background say “RoxiPotter” and “The Wizard of WW” I don’t want the icon to say anything.
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) No
    9. Anything else? Thanks!

  71. Coolie887 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) gravatar
    2. What size? Umm, well just gravatar size pls.
    3. Any specific colors? um, i would like pink.
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) http://coolie887.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/summerlook.jpg
    5. If so, please give a link:http://coolie887.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/summerlook.jpg
    7. Any text? No.
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) um, kinda like Mimi’s, you know, that cool squiggly brush…
    9. Anything else?
    No thank you.

    P.S. i have added you to my GFX web. http://epicgraphizcp.wordpress.com/ We are the “Extreme GFX shop!!

  72. Bridget says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header
    2. What size? The size for a Vigilance header
    3. Any specific colors? Blue and orange
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) No
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Anything, really
    7. Any text? Bridget
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) glow plz?
    9. Anything else? no thx!!!!!

  73. Mimi40751 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    500×500 pixels
    3. Any specific colors?
    Blue and Brown
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:If so, please give a link: Go to my blog (www.blueberrysbomb.wordpress.com) and look at ,my gravatar for my penguin.
    I would also like balloons on it please
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text?
    100-200 hits Party for Blue Berry 5
    Date: Tuesday, August 17th 2010
    Time: 2:00pm EST, 7:00pm UK, 1:00pm PST, 12:oopm MST
    Server: Frozen
    Place: The Cove
    Comment if you can come!!!

    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Could the balloons be flying to the top of the invitation? And I would like the text outlined in white. Also, if you can make the balloons go to the top then could they just be swaying
    9. Anything else?

    Thank you so much.

    PS. This is for my best friend Blue Berry 5

  74. ~Karatekel~ says:

    1. Buttons
    2. 155×130 pixels
    3. Green and Purple
    4. Use any picture that makes sense with the words. I’ll trust you’ll make it look good.
    6. http://penguinzone5.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/sunray-p-g.jpg
    7. Home
    Advertise your site here
    Famous Penguin Trackers
    Funny Pictures
    Penguin Of The Month
    Question Of The Week
    Rate Us
    8. Nope
    9. Use any font and make it look AMAZING!

  75. Vanilla16 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy
    2. What size? 500×100
    3. Any specific colors? Pink
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=19545
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Just somthing pink
    7. Any text? Vanilla16
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) I like everything 🙂
    9. Anything else? suprise me!

  76. Berry says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? Siggy Pic
    2. What size? 400 x 89 pixels
    3. Any specific colors? Aqua Blue =)
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? yes
    5. Link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=5164
    6. What background? any
    7. Any text? Berry, The Blueberry
    8. Any effects? surprise me =)
    9. Anything else? surprise me =)


    P.S. You guys are doing a great job here!! Keep it up! =)

  77. Valmira says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Twitter BG
    2. What size? IDK
    3. Any specific colors? No
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: In my forum siggy
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text? You decide
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) No
    9. Anything else? Make it special

  78. timmy6118 says:

    What are the main colors?


    •Link to the picture of your penguin (or whatever you want a picture of)

    •What to say?

    •Extra Effects
    Make it straight like this penguin(its my friends)

    •Type of Graphic: Banner, Header, Page BG, Chat BG, Buttons, or anything else?

    custom Penguin

    •What is your website?
    u know it

    •The size(header size, banner size, etc.)?
    custom penguin size

    •Do you want your graphic animated or not?

    •Do you want anything else on your graphic (you can answer this anyway you want)?

  79. Mimi40751 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Sidebar widgets, header, banner
    2. What size?
    Side bar widgets 160×140, Logo 170×185, Header 904×160, Banner 160×200
    3. Any specific colors?
    Sidebar widgets turquoise and yellow, header turquoise and yellow, banner turquoise and yellow
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    sidebar widgets anything that fits with the text, header my penguin and anything else you think looks good, banner my penguin and anything else you think looks good
    5. If so, please give a link: http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/7509/floppsygal.png (my penguin)
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text?
    Side bar widgets: Igloo of the Month, Buddy of the Month, Blogger of the Month, Our Graphics Shop, Want you Ad here? Click Here, About Floppsy Gal, Jobs, How to Become an EPF, How to Become a Tour Guide, How to Become a Ninja, How to Become a Fire Ninja, Blog Roll.
    Header: Cool CP Cheats Hangout
    Fast| Cool| And a Great Place to Hangout
    Banner: Cool CP Cheats Hangout! Click Here to Hangout and Chill
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    All text outlined in white, could my banner have these words fading in and out “Click Here to Hangout and Chill”
    9. Anything else?
    On my banner could my penguin be customized and be looking like it’s chilling out. (sitting down and reading it’s book) On my header could I have the same customized penguin as I do on my banner

    Thanks a lot Graphics corner! Sorry for the really big order
    ~Floppsy Gal

  80. flopster says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): Siggy
    2. What size?: normal sig size
    3. Any specific colors?: Green and yellow
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.): yes
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: WW TOWN
    7. Any text?: Flopster Awesomefied
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.): Suprise me
    9. Anything else?: suprise me

  81. MathManiac says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Twitter Profile pic
    2. What size? Idk its for my mom…
    3. Any specific colors? Green
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) No
    5. If so, please give a link: No
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: No
    7. Any text? Mommyidea
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glow on letters
    9. Anything else? can the I in idea be like a light bulb?

  82. 1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Buttons for the sidebar (Like Mimi’s order)
    2. What size? Idk…
    3. Any specific colors? White text
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) nope
    5. If so, please give a link: X
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: http://a.imageshack.us/img186/3395/sparkley.jpg
    7. Any text? I need 6 buttons Here is what they should say (separated by commas): “Play!”, “Trackers!”, “Ad Space!”, “Music!”, “Contests!”, and “Stats!”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) No
    9. Anything else? No
    *I wanted this background: *

  83. Drake1313 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)Header
    2. What size? Put It Inside The Blue Lines: http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/5517/blueheader.png
    3. Any specific colors?
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text? The Donut CP
    Club Penguin Cheats | Glitches | & More
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Make It Have Stripes Like This: http://i28.tinypic.com/15d9kp2.png And a BG Like That To Please
    9. Anything else? Thats All!

  84. (I’m trying to find the “Right” header…)
    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header
    2. What size? Theme “Vigilance”
    3. Any specific colors? Purple and Green
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes
    5. If so, please give a link:
    A: http://a.imageshack.us/img411/3598/headerpieceone.jpg
    B: http://a.imageshack.us/img245/5149/headerpiece2.jpg
    C: http://a.imageshack.us/img812/5526/headerpiece3.jpg
    D: http://a.imageshack.us/img148/4596/headerpiece4.jpg
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Anything Purple and Green
    7. Any text? ” Cp4Real
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) White glow lines around everything.
    9. Anything else? On image A, could you make the puffle sitting on the letter L in “CP4Real”, and the little penguin girl taking a picture of it? Thanks!

  85. Mimi40751 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Sidebar Widgets
    2. What size?
    The same size as this one: ‘http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/558/graphic6.png’
    3. Any specific colors? same as this one: ‘http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/558/graphic6.png’
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    Anything that goes with the text
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    Same as this one: ‘http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/558/graphic6.png’
    7. Any text?
    Yes. Blogger of the Month, Home, Become a Moderator, Funny Pictures, Blog Roll, About Mimi (for About Mimi could you put this penguin on it? http://i50.tinypic.com/etwojr.png)
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Text Outlined in White
    9. Anything else?
    Could you make the font the same as my other widgets I ordered?
    Thanks so much!


  86. KyL says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)

    Xat chat background and banner of any size…

    2. What size?

    Size of regular Xat chat background (the chat BOX background) and baner of any size because it is not for any WordPress site.

    3. Any specific colors?

    Dark red, indian red, and black.

    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)


    5. If so, please give a link:

    Go to: http://www.glitchbandwebsite.piczo.com and the first picture you see is a large picture saying “_Glitch_” That is the picture I would like in it. Also, I want a skull and crossbones such as: http://www.keyposters.com/poster/846902.html

    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:


    7. Any text?


    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)

    Anything that looks creative; our preferred colors are dark red and black but if you find another small color that would goi well, feel free to

    9. Anything else? no thanks

  87. 1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header (A new one)
    2. What size? I have Vigilance
    3. Any specific colors? Brown and blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) I want the header exactly the same as the header on http://www.angelxoxo119.wordpress.com , but with blue and brown instead.
    5. If so, please give a link: X
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text? Welcome to CP4Real
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) The same as the header I have now
    9. Anything else? Nope!

  88. Wave says:

    Hey, Guys!
    What kind of graphic do you want? A Siggy 🙂
    2. What size: 500×100 or whatever you think works lol idk xD
    3. Any specific colors? Ummm Blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures?
    5. If so, please give a link:http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=63945
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Umm Could you have waves in the background you could probably find them in WW in location Australia 🙂 If you can’t find it then I don’t care lol Just some sort of waves.
    7. Any text? Just my name
    8. Any effects? Be specific. Could you have the waves move (animation) If not it doesn’t matter
    9. Anything else? Could you have the font the Wiglington and Wenk’s font please?

    Thanks Guys I can’t tell you enough how thankful I am 😀

  89. MathManiac says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy (For viv sorry to others)
    2. What size? Regular sig size 500×100
    3. Any specific colors? White and back
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=30041
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text? MathManiac the Math loving ninja
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    9. Anything else? Animated

  90. IJames says:

    Please Note: This Is a Big Order.

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Widgets
    2. What size? 175 x 115
    3. Any specific colors? I Want Transparent Blue BTW.
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link: Make Them Similiar To This http://i44.tinypic.com/125sxhg.png
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text? Home, Become a Tour Guide, Become a EPF Agent, Become a Secret Ninja, Become a Fire Ninja, Penguin Of The Month, Igloo Of The Month, Club Penguin Times, Fan Art, Donate, Contact …… Me Thats It!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Dark Blue Outline
    9. Anything else? Thats All Thank You Very Much!

  91. 1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Buttons for the sidebar (Like Mimi’s order)
    2. What size? Idk…
    3. Any specific colors? White text
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) nope
    5. If so, please give a link: X
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: http://a.imageshack.us/img186/3395/sparkley.jpg
    7. Any text? I need 6 buttons Here is what they should say (separated by commas): “Play!”, “Trackers!”, “Ad Space!”, “Music!”, “Contests!”, and “Stats!”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) No
    9. Anything else? No
    😉 Thanks! 😉

  92. Coolie887 says:

    Amount of banners: 4
    Same size as your side banners, text:
    1: About, 2: What Room? , 3: Coin Tips., 4: Contests!
    Picutre: (All the same picture.)

    Color: blue.

    1: http://coolie887.wordpress.com/about/
    2: http://coolie887.wordpress.com/what-room-earn-prizes/
    3: http://coolie887.wordpress.com/club-penguin-coin-earning-tips-must-read/
    4: http://coolie887.wordpress.com/contests/

    • Paint says:

      sorry, i can’t do this because i don’t understand your order. i suggest you use the order template we gave you. (it is above)

  93. bwman99 says:

    i have 2 orders
    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)header
    2. What size? header size
    3. Any specific colors? red and black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)yes
    5. If so, please give a link:http://bwmancp.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/mydream-pengy.png
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: the red and black
    7. Any text?Bwjack 5000 and Mandeville99 In Cp
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) a lime green glow on the pengy and one pengy on each side
    9. Anything else?font in toonish

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)banner
    2. What size?banner size tht i odered the other day
    3. Any specific colors?black and red
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)yes
    5. If so, please give a link:same as above link
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:red and black
    7. Any text?Club Penguin cheats
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)Lime green glow
    9. Anything else?toonish font
    HTML bellow banner plz
    this is not for timmys site it is bwmancp.wordpress.com

  94. MathManiac says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Blog thing sign
    2. What size? 200 x 700
    3. Any specific colors? Blue green Red
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes
    5. If so, please give a link:
    Sans: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=15215
    Me: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=30041
    And White out someone and color them blck and a red question mark in the middle if thats not too hard
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text? Stranded
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) glow
    9. Anything else? Animated First says Stranded then the first second team and third and finish with join soon

  95. 1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Avatar pic
    2. What size? IDk?
    3. Any specific colors? Rainbow! 😀
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yeahh
    5. If so, please give a link: http://angelxoxo119.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/penguinsme.jpg
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:

    7. Any text? “Wink” at the top and “Check out my site!” at the bottom
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glow lines around the text and penguin
    9. Anything else? With the two penguins, could you make one peeking out from behing the other?

  96. bwman99 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do u want? gravatar

    2. What are the main colors you want? yellow in background

    3.Do you want a pic in ur graphic?(give the link if u want a pic) just a regular member ninja

    4.What size in pixels?(If header say what theme do u have) uhh gravatar size

    5.What font would u like it in?no font

    6.Are there any effects you would like with the picture? none

    7.What do u want it to say nothing

    8. What’s the link to your website? timmy6118.wordpress.com

    ps timmy this is me bwjack 5000 in my wordpress account
    hope u can do this (its just a simple order so plz do it)
    and srry about the rong ordering form i needed to do this fast

  97. bwjack 5000 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)header
    2. What size? header size 4 our site
    3. Any specific colors? blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)yes
    5. If so, please give a link:a cp ninja
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: snow forts
    7. Any text? Master Army Of Club Penguin
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Make it flash every ten seconds if u cant do this just do it regular and the text bumbastika
    9. Anything else? nope

  98. bwjack 5000 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) banner
    2. What size?150×2000
    3. Any specific colors?red and black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)yes
    5. If so, please give a link:http://twitpic.com/20rbm6/full and http://twitpic.com/211avl/full
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: surprise me (just not girly ok)
    7. Any text? amazing club penguin cheats
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) make the text be animated
    9. Anything else? yellow text
    ps cant wait 2 c it!
    and put html code bellow it plz thx

  99. StokedKid says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy and a Matching Profile Pic!!!!!!!!
    2. What size? Normal size(Sig: 500 x 100, Profile Pic: 100 x 100)
    3. Any specific colors? Black and Red
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=13855(Please make sure my Beta hat is cut off)
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Red and Black(Anything Red and Black)(Sunburst for the profile pic)
    7. Any text? Just: StokedKid(SK for the Profile Pic)
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) White outline against black text.
    9. Anything else? Uhhh… nope

  100. Drake1313 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)Logo
    2. What size? 150 x 150
    3. Any specific colors? Blue Lines
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link: http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/6271/22511629.png Will You Make It Like That?
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text? Make The Text Say D13
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Text Reflect Please.
    9. Anything else? Nope

  101. Braveboy124 says:

    1) Header
    2) 904 x 160
    3) Orange
    4) http://i45.tinypic.com/2lihtg4.png
    5) Just An Epic BG
    6) Pretzel Army Of CP
    Generation 3
    7) Text Outline, And Glow Around Text.
    8) Nothing Else 🙂

  102. KyL says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)


    2. What size?

    To fit a Digg-Three Column on WordPress.

    3. Any specific colors?

    Red and blue.

    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)


    5. If so, please give a link:


    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:

    I don’t understand what this is asking me.

    7. Any text?

    CPA Daily
    Small & Medium Army News

    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)

    I want the text to glow. I also want the part of the background to be the faded snowforts here is an example of what i mean: http://www.cpadaily.wordpress.com the header but more faded

    9. Anything else?

    I want parts of it to be smokey and/or sparks.

    P.S. Hey, bTiMe! Remember me from the Blue Lazer Alliance? d:

    ~Lantz a.k.a KyL

  103. Squirlya says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): header
    2. What size?: 500×100
    3. Any specific colors?: Green,white,black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.): yes please
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Den or Portal test station
    7. Any text?: Cheats of WW squad
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.): Suprise me
    9. Anything else?: suprise me

    Thanks!! 🙂

  104. Mimi40751 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Widget Titles
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    Bright blue and dark brown
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link: no
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: try and make it look like this one please: http://epicgfx.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/pin-tracker.gif?w=150&h=30
    7. Any text?
    Blog Stats
    Blog Roll
    Blog Status
    My Avatar
    Spam Blocked
    Our Rank
    Blue Berry’s:
    Very Berry Head
    Our Banner
    Smile Kitty Smile!
    Be the 1 who’s always smiling
    Pin Tracker
    Become A:
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    I would like the font Shoestore and I want the text outlined in white (text is black please)
    9. Anything else?
    Nope. 😉

    Thanks a lot! (I’m ordering this for my BFF)


  105. coke457 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): Profile Pic.
    2. What size? Width: 150 Hight: 200
    3. Any specific colors? White like in the coke logo.
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) a coke can after the words “coke457”
    5. If so, please give a link: I belive you can find a coke can in google images
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: black with 2 moving spotlights shining on coke457 ( The Text)
    7. Any text? Yes: coke457
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) just the beaming spotlights shining over coke457… Like the spotlights on top of a theater or somthing.
    9. Anything else? Nope

  106. MathManiac says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Profle Pic
    2. What size? Normal size
    3. Any specific colors? White
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: I’m 30064 or 5 I think
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text? MathManiac The White Ninja
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) The slanted sides
    9. Anything else? Nope I’m good

  107. R says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Twitter BG
    2. What size? Normal size a Twitter BG should be.
    3. Any specific colors? Something with blue.
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes.
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=46650
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: You choose.
    7. Any text? Yeah. Please make it say, “RoxiPotter” at the top then below the picture of my person say, “The Wizard of Wiglington and Wenks”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) No.
    9. Anything else? Thank you. 🙂

  108. squirrelya says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): Banner
    2. What size?: 500×100
    3. Any specific colors?: Black and Blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.): Yes
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Pirates den
    7. Any text?: The WWCheatsBlog, For the latest WW news <(in special text please)
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.): Suprise me!
    9. Anything else?: Suprise me!

    Me and lilc have a blog and we need a header for it,
    Thanks! 🙂

  109. blossom889 says:

    1. Kind of graphic: Cartoon – thing
    2. Dimensions: I don’t know… Whichever looks good 😉
    3. Specific Colours? Nope
    4. Pictures: http://blossom889scpcheats.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/untitled1_picnik.jpg
    5. Link: Link is above 😀
    6. No background
    7. Anything else? I would like my penguin to be smiling and waving 😉


    ~ Blossom889

  110. Sonorus says:

    Hey GC! Ok, here’s my filled up form.

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Twitter BG!
    2. What size? A good Twitter BG size.
    3. Any specific colors? Blue and gold(as in orang-ish yellow).
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yeah, My Wiki I.D. number is 1946
    5. If so, please give a link: My Wiki I.D. number is 1946
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: No exact background background.
    7. Any text? Yeah… ‘Hey, my username’s Sonorus on the WW game and forum, but you can call me ‘Sono’!’ ‘I’m also an E.Q.T(Member), I’m 12 years old, and you can add me if wanted.’
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Yes! Techno dots, and some glow lines somewhere. Oh and not to forget a starburst effect.
    9. Anything else? Yeah… could you do a blue bar at the top where all those links and the twitter header is? Oh, and could you do the the two specific colours I told you about half-half? I don’t want 90% percent blue and 10% percent orangish yellow(gold) =P

    Okay then, thanks! It would be good if Vivyo could do this. =D

  111. timmy6118 says:

    Graphic: What type of graphic/s do you want?
    Party Ivititaion
    Colors: What are the main colors you want?
    Red And Blue
    Picture: What picture would you like on it? If it’s specific give a link.
    1.Music Jam Logo
    2. http://timmy6118.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/penguin.png
    3. http://timmy6118.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/untitled631.jpg
    5.Puffles( any
    Text: What would you like it to say?
    Music Jam Party
    Server: Slushy
    Room: Iceberg
    Time 1:00 EST PST coming soon

    Font: What font would you like?
    the one with the arrow (what font is tht)( shoe stor)
    Effects: Would you like any effects, if so then what?
    Website: What’s the link to your website?
    Other: Anything else that can make your graphic one of a kind?

    P.S. I need by today cuz party tommorow

  112. roxisjournal says:


    To my order – cross out the twitter background please. I only need the first order.

  113. roxisjournal says:

    I’ve got two things to order. Is that ok?

    First Thing:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header
    2. What size? Same size as this http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_J43vpSoJJYU/TDOl7YZW1yI/AAAAAAAAAOA/9EAItmp2C80/S980-R/dailywenksheader.png
    3. Any specific colors? Something with purple and stripes, please.
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes.
    5. If so, please give a link: This – http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=46650 and this – http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=47578
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Like I said, something with stripes.
    7. Any text? “The Daily Wenks The Online Newspaper”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Nah.
    9. Anything else? I have another order.

    Second thing:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Twitter Background
    2. What size? The size a twitter background should be. xD
    3. Any specific colors? Something purple
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes.
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=46650
    6. What background? Again… something with stripes.
    7. Any text? “RoxiPotter” “Roxi is a fun girl who plays the virtual world of Wiglington and Wenks. She also plays Club Penguin occasionally. Roxi loves writing and has a blog, The Daily Wenks.”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) No.
    9. Anything else? Nope

  114. timmy6118 says:

    Whoever is doing this plz put two options.
    I wanna see the size of the chat bg

  115. timmy6118 says:

    What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Chat BG
    2. What size?
    540 x 405
    3. Any specific colors?
    Red or blue(which looks better)
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:

    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    Starburst Brush
    7. Any text?
    Club Penguin Cheats
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Make It a HAnd Of sean font
    9. Anything else?
    Yes,Make One black puffle on the bottomright and Flare puffle on the bottom left.

  116. roxisjournal says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Twitter Icon
    2. What size? Normal size
    3. Any specific colors? Something with purple.
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes, something with my person from my Wiki.
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=46650
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Uhh idk =P lol
    7. Any text? Just make it say “RoxiPotter”
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Nah.. just do whatever looks good 🙂 Surprise me!
    9. Anything else? Not really. thanks

  117. A 4th of July header for my site.

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header
    2. What size? 930 × 198 I think?
    3. Any specific colors? Red white and blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Just the puffles again
    5. If so, please give a link: …
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: I want a blend of red and blue
    7. Any text? CP4real (in white)
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) silver (if not white) glowlines
    9. Anything else? Nothing but vivyo (sorry 😕 )

  118. Munny1 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Just a plain graphic
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    White and black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    No pictures
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    Make the background black
    7. Any text?
    No Text!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Those squiggly white lines behind your support banner (I want those lines in my graphic-only one stroke of them) (Can the lines be white – Vivyo knows what I’m talking about)
    9. Anything else?
    BTW, this is just a simple graphic. Just a black background with white glow lines.

  119. Mimi40751 says:

    I was just wondering if you could make a header like this one (clubpenguinextravaganza.tk) but make the surfer visible and the text isn’t blocking his eyes.
    Here is a link to the surfer: http://pinkpenguins.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/surfing.jpg


  120. blueberry5 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want?
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    Bright Blue and Dark Brown
    4. Would you like any specific pictures?
    5. If so, please give a link: Go to my blog (www.blueberrysbomb.wordpress.com) and look my penguin is on the header
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text?
    Yes. Blue Berry’s Bomb. and at the bottom could the text “Click Here!” be fading in and out like Mimi’s banner
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    I would like the text outlined white . I also want my penguin glowing white.
    9. Anything else?


    -Blue Berry 5

  121. timmy6118 says:

    What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    920 x 180
    3. Any specific colors?
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text?
    Celebrate Music Jam With Timmy6118 And Bwjack 5000

    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Make Club penguin Font

    9. Anything else?

  122. Hi! I was wondering if I could order 2 things at the same time? If so-
    order #1
    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.):
    A Banner to support my site!
    2. What size?:
    155×130 ( I think, I want a widget for like a sidebar…)
    3. Any specific colors?:
    I’ll try purple and green this time!
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    Wow I need to fit 7 penguins in this…
    5. If so, please give a link:

    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    I don’t care what the background is but can I have something different than the background I got on my avatar?
    7. Any text?
    “Please visit CP4Real!”
    8. Anything else?
    So sorry to choose but I sort of want vivyo to do this order… Its just the example page. Everyone does an awesome job but for the “type” of thing I want vivyo is my favorite. No offence to Paint or Susie. ♥

    order #2
    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.):
    A header (I need another one because I have so many workers)
    2. What size?:
    IDK like a normal “header” size.
    3. Any specific colors?:
    Purple and green
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    All colored puffles, no specific penguins because I might add new users.
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    Same as the widget.
    7. Any text?
    Welcome to CP4Real!
    8. Anything else?
    Again, vivyo.

    Thank you!

  123. timmy6118 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Widget title

    2. What size?
    Like Munnys widget title
    3. Any specific colors?
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:

    7. Any text?
    1.Become A
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    9. Anything else?
    Make club penguin font

  124. bwjack 5000 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) sidebar widget
    2. What size?150×200
    3. Any specific colors?black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)yes
    5. If so, please give a link:http://twitpic.com/20rbm6/full and http://twitpic.com/211avl/full
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:fire
    7. Any text? click here for club penguin cheats
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)lime green glow
    9. Anything else?could you make the fire animated and the text will be red
    thx -bwjack 5000

  125. squirrelya says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): Siggy
    2. What size?: 500×100
    3. Any specific colors?: Black,Blue,White
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.): Yes please
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=13061
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Mega Pets shop
    7. Any text?: Squirlya
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.): Suprise me!
    9. Anything else?: Suprise me!

    Take ur time,and make it awesome!


  126. Braveboy124 says:

    1. Header
    2. 904×160
    3. Orange
    4. Yes
    5. http://i45.tinypic.com/2lihtg4.png
    6. http://www.clubpenguintoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/town-700×349.PNG
    7. Can It Say: Pretzel Army Of CP
    Generation 2

    7. Any text?
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    9. Anything else?

  127. Mimi40751 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want?
    Sidebar Widgets
    2. What size?
    same size as my other ones please. (I think 155×127)
    3. Any specific colors?
    Orange and Blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    What ever fits with the text
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    Could you make it look like this one (background wise) http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/9478/graphic1u.png
    7. Any text?
    Yes. Rules, Say What?, Copyright, Mission Guides, How to Become an EPF, How to Become a Tour Guide, How to Become a Ninja,
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    White Outline on the Text
    9. Anything else?
    Yes. Could it be the same font and same outline colour as my other widgets?
    Thanks a bunch you guys!

    I guess I’ll do this Order.

  128. squirrelya says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): Support banner for my blog
    2. What size?: A support thing like yours in ”Support Us”
    3. Any specific colors?: White,Green,Black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.): Yes please
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=13061
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Madagascar
    7. Any text?: Support TheWWCheats Now! (In special text please)
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.): Suprise me!
    9. Anything else?: Can you please make it like..A special WW background,and please if you can make my person swinging the sword.

    Thanks so much!!!

  129. Munny1 says:

    Could Vivyo make the text in the banner below be animated so it fades in and out?

    • Traveler97 says:

      I’ll try it. Even though I’m not vivyo. Note: Please don’t request certain authors to do certain things. Some other authors may feel like you hate their graphics.

      (P.S. – This is not me. I’ve been told by other authors that they feel left out when you ask a certain gfx designer to do your graphic…)


    • Traveler97 says:

      No, don’t cancel your order. Just make a new one.


      • Munny1 says:

        No it’s okay because I just needed it animated but I’ll just use it not animated. Since you’re not doing my order, can you tell me how to make it animated so the text fades out? I use gimp.

    • vivyo says:

      so, who’s doing this order?

  130. clubpenguinpeep says:

    wait no I got it to fit THANKS! I dont need a banner

  131. clubpenguinpeep says:

    Yeah can I have a banner with all the same things as my header?

  132. squirrelya says:

    1. Twitter backround
    2. Size a twitter backround should be
    3. White and black and orange
    4. Yes please
    5. http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=13061
    6. black and blue stripes (something like starburst) Suprise me
    7. Yes: Squirlya plays WW,He owns a blog,and he is very active.You can find him any where in WW!
    Username: squirlya
    Status: Member
    Hobbies: Playing Virtual worlds,Skateboarding,Football,and Blogging

    8. Suprise me!
    9. Suprise me!

    PS: sorry if i am ordering too much

  133. Slyter says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): Siggy
    2. What size?: 500×100
    3. Any specific colors?: Green and White
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.): Yes please
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=62259
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Wiglingtonandwenks Academy room
    7. Any text?: Slyter!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.): Black glow around my name,and can the text be white
    9. Anything else?: Suprise me!

  134. clubpenguinpeep says:

    What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Banner
    2. What size? a banner size
    3. Any specific colors? lime green and pink
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) the same pic from my penguni pic
    5. If so, please give a link: its in the other comment
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: penguin forest
    7. Any text? Clubpenguinpeeps Blog! Cool Cheats and News!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    9. Anything else? Add the MP3 player agin

  135. Test says:


  136. Roxi says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Twitter background
    2. What size? As big as a Twitter background should be. xD
    3. Any specific colors? No.
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes, my person from my wiki.
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=46650
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Umm, I guess something like stripes?
    7. Any text? Yes. I want it to say “Roxi is a Wiglington and Wenks player who’s username on the website and forum is roxanacv9. You can normally find her hanging out at Wiglington, Town with her friends!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) I guess not.
    9. Anything else? No.

    vivyo’s edit: k will do yours 🙂

  137. billybobrox says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Chat Background
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    Aqua, Orange, Yellow
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link: http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/June%2016%20Blog%20Image%20%282%29.jpeg and http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/June%208%20Blog%20Image.png
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Lightrays
    7. Any text?
    Billy Bob 1’s Chat
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Glow around the text
    9. Anything else?

    Billy Bob 1

  138. squirrelya says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): Widget
    2. What size?: 155×130
    3. Any specific colors?: Black and probably White
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.): my avatar and a pic of a question mark
    5. If so, please give a link: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumb_113/1168965692jbxd3i.jpg,

    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: black and white starburst
    7. Any text?: Click here to go to TheWWCheats Headliner!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.): a white glow
    9. Anything else? can you put the link in the button so when it ready i can click the btton and it takes me to the website ” http://www.thewwcheatsheadliner.blogspot.com

  139. Munny1 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Widget Titles
    2. What size?
    You’ll see!
    3. Any specific colors?
    Blue, White and red
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:

    (The blue part is my background. You have to take the text off. The background should exactly like that (except without the text on it. It should fade into white just like it does above) Do you understand what I’m saying?)
    7. Any text?
    Blog Status, Become A, Banner, Another Banner, Blogroll, Free Coin Code, Email Subscription, Get Coins Fast, CPC 101 Team, Weekly Poll, Home, Recent Comments, Stats, CPC 101 Mods, Translate, Trackers, Adspace
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Can there be a medium sized red glow around the words?
    Can the text be white?
    9. Anything else?
    Can Vivyo do it?

    vivyo’s edit: done

  140. billybobrox says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    Same size as Mimi’s
    3. Any specific colors?
    Aqua and Orange
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link: No
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    Light rays
    7. Any text?
    Billy Bob 1’s CP Cheats
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Glow around the text
    9. Anything else?

    Billy Bob 1

  141. Mimi40751 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    Blue and Orange
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    No, put any picture you think looks good to go with the graphics.
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Lightrays. Could it be kinda like Drake’s
    7. Any text?
    Yes. Click for Cheats, Enter Our Contests, Click to Ask Us, Want a Job? Click to Apply, Support CPE, Check out my You Tube!, Click to Chat with Mimi and Friends, Contact Us
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    White Outline on the Text
    9. Anything else?

    Thanks a lot.


  142. clubpenguinpeep says:

    What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Picture of my penguin
    2. What size? just normal square
    3. Any specific colors? lime green and bright pink
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yeah a pic of my penguin
    5. If so, please give a link:http://clubpenguinpeep.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/ordering-graphics.png
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: stripes
    7. Any text? Brown88888’s site CLICK HERE
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) penguin dancing
    9. Anything else? add a MP3 player to my penguin

    vivyo’s edit: done

  143. ,Drake says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) I Need 3 Widgets
    2. What size? 155 x 130
    3. Any specific colors? Grey & Black
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Make Them Look Like This: http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/6513/64164404.png
    7. Any text? Graphix Shop,BTP Fun,Contact Drake.
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glow For Text…
    9. Anything else? The Sizes For All Of The Widgets Are 150 x 130 Pixels
    Please Have These Done In One-Two Days


    vivyo’s edit: k will work on it after u answer my question also, i will change the support banner since it doesn’t look like u like it. 🙂

  144. squirrelya says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): Banner for my blog
    2. What size? : 930×198
    3. Any specific colors?: White and Red
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.): Yes
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=13061
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Wiglington town
    7. Any text?: The WW Cheats Blog,for the latest WW news
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.): Red glow
    9. Anything else?: can the ”for the latest WW news” be in small white text under the WW cheats blog sign,can my player be on the right side,and please can you make the ww cheats blog writing in a special font (any kind)

    Thanks so much! this will really help my new blog

  145. Hey, Could you do my penguin? – I want it to be like for your Avatar on wordpress. Just add any cool things you want to it, and I don’t want to be picky but I would like Pink and Green.

  146. Munny1 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    Red, Blue, and Aqua
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:

    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text?
    Explosive Graphics!
    Click Here!!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Make a red glow around all of the penguins
    Those squiggly white lines behind your support banner (I want those lines in my banner) (Can the lines be blue and white)
    9. Anything else?
    Can Vivyo do this order?

  147. Midnight5824 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    980×180 or 180×980 I don’t know which dimension is right. The larger one is going across.
    3. Any specific colors?
    Blue, Green, White, Orange
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link: http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/9119/midnightr.jpg
    and red and yellow puffles
    6. What background?
    7. Any text?
    Midnight’s Club Penguin Cheats
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    I want my penguin glowing purple
    9. Anything else?

    Thanks a lot!

    vivyo’s edit: k working on it now 🙂

  148. Munny1 says:

    Can you make the graphic below not have the red glow on the squiggly white lines?
    (Vivyo to do this)

  149. ,Drake says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) I Need 10 Widgets
    2. What size? 155 x 130
    3. Any specific colors? Grey & Black
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Nope
    7. Any text? Become a Ninja, Become a Tour Guide, Become a Fire Ninja, Become a EPF Agent, BTP Moderators, BTP Merchandise, CP Times, Follow Drake, Support BTP, Follow Jessred.
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glow For Text…
    9. Anything else? The Sizes For All Of The Widgets Are 155 x 130 Pixels Please Have These Done In Three-Four Days.

    -Drake Sorry About The Huge Order

    vivyo’s edit: k, working on it rite now. 🙂

    • vivyo says:

      k done 🙂 i also created a .zip file so that you can download them all easily (just extract the file by right-clicking the folder and click extract all)

  150. Munny1 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Page Background
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    Blue and Aqua
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    No Pictures
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text?
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Make the Page BG have Blue and aqua stripes
    Those squiggly white lines behind your support banner (I want those lines in my Page BG)
    (If you were to put two of my Page BG’s on top of each other the white lines should connect)
    Have a red glow around the white lines
    9. Anything else?
    Can Vivyo make my order?

    vivyo’s edit: done!

  151. Mimi40751 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Custom Penguin
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    Orange, Blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    White Background
    7. Any text?
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    White glow around the penguin
    9. Anything else?
    Could you make the penguin dancing to the music. And also if you can possibly add some flying music notes

    Thanks a lot!
    PS. You guys rock!

    vivyo’s edit: done!

  152. Squirlya says:

    1. a banner
    2. normal
    3. white
    4. yes
    5. http://i50.tinypic.com/257ljk3.png -banner picture
    http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=13061 -my player
    6. the banner picture on links
    7. Squirlya!
    8. yes,blue
    9. my avatar in middle of wiglington and wenks and then the name can be transparent on the back of my avatar,and my name on top of my avatar

    wiglington me wenks,and then the wiglingtonanewenks side behind me


    vivyo’s edit: k doing yours. btw, what’s “normal” size? or should i just wing it?

  153. ilovecpalot says:

    1. a banner
    3.purple and green
    5.http://funstuffofcp.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/aqua.jpg dont use the backround on it only use the penguin and pufffles
    6.small rays
    7.head down to ilovecpalot cp website!
    8.glittery studd going around place like confeti
    9. make it say click here and if you click it goes to my website http://ilovecpalot.wordpress.com

  154. Munny1 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    Blue and Aqua
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:

    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text?
    CP Cheats 101
    Click Here!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Those squiggly white lines behind your support banner (I want those lines in my banner)
    Make the text outlined in aqua (Use both of the fonts you have in your header)
    9. Anything else?

    vivyo’s edit: k then

  155. Munny1 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Custom Penguin
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    Blue, Aqua, and Lime Green
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:

    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    White Background
    7. Any text?
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Lime green glow around the penguin
    9. Anything else?
    Could you make the penguin sitting down and putting his skates on? If you can’t, it’s okay.

    vivyo’s edit: k ill try 🙂

  156. ilovecpalot says:

    sorry dont listen to first and second one do the third bot the link does not work so ill give u a new one http://ilovecpalot.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/good-picture-of-rockstar8398.jpg

  157. ilovecpalot says:

    1.a banner
    3.yes yellow and pink
    6.little rays
    8.green dots around words
    9.puffle pictures and penguin pictures

    vivyo’;s edit: k

  158. ilovecpalot says:

    1.a banner
    3.yes yellow and pink
    6.little rays
    8.green dots around words
    9.puffle pictures and penguin pictures

  159. ilovecpalot says:

    1. a banner
    2, ummm 180×200
    3.yep purple and red

    vivyo’s edit: uh… what?

  160. Munny1 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.)
    Custom Penguin
    2. What size?
    3. Any specific colors?
    blue, aqua, and lime green
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:

    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text?
    No text
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    Big glow around my penguin
    Those squiggly white lines behind your support banner (I want those lines behind my penguin but can you make the lines blue instead of white?)
    9. Anything else?

  161. pais says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) A profile pic
    2. What size? A square, I don’t know how big. Look at Floppy’s
    3. Any specific colors?Yellow, orange Neon green and or blue
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) my avatar with the black suit on
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: sparkly!!
    7. Any text? pais
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) glow and flashing letters
    9. Anything else? NOPE

  162. Mimi40751 says:

    You know my custom penguin. I was just wondering if you could make it holding the iPod and looking at it.
    If not it’s ok.

    PS. It’s nothing wrong I just thought of it right after I got it. 🙂

    • vivyo says:

      It’s holding the iPod already, right?
      As for the looking, it is sorta looking at it, but IDK. I moved the pupils toward the bottom right. (It’s not looking straight ahead.) Can you give me an example of what you want it to sorta look like? Like where you want the eyes to be, etc.

      • Mimi40751 says:

        Oh sorry! I mean like for both hands to be holding the iPod. And I was just adding looking at the iPod in case you started from scratch.


        vivyo’s edit: (sorry, can’t reply for some reason) oooooooh. yeah i can do that.

  163. Mimi40751 says:

    1. A logo
    2. 200×120
    3. Purple and Orange
    4. No
    5. Glittery Light rays
    7. Club Penguin Extravaganza
    8. Big Glow around the words

    PS. Sorry if I’m ordering to much!

  164. squirlya says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): Profile pic
    2. What size?: normal profile pic size
    3. Any specific colors?: white
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.): yes
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: bottom floor(travelers tree)
    7. Any text?: Squirlya the master
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.): outline on my avatar-green,glow on ‘squirlya’-red flashy
    9. Anything else? ‘the master’ on the bottom of my name

  165. mysweetie says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy
    2. What size? IDK~U Choose Plz
    3. Any specific colors? Purples
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)My player
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=18836
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: IDK
    7. Any text? Any
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) IDK
    9. Anything else? Something Pretty

  166. Mimi40751 says:

    Can you do custom penguins? If you can could you make my penguin looking at the ipod and leaning to the right slightly.
    2. 200×200
    3. Purple and Orange
    4. Yes.
    5. http://sites.google.com/site/mimi40751clubpenguincheats/_/rsrc/1270409492309/config/miminew.png (My penguin)
    6. Lightrays
    7. No
    8. White Glow
    9. Nope

    PS. I added you to my blog roll. 🙂

  167. squirlya says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): Siggy Pic
    2. What size?: 500 x 100
    3. Any specific colors?: black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.): Yes
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Mega costumes shop
    7. Any text?: Squirlya
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.): White outine on my player,and my name glow-blue
    9. Anything else? font: trashco or a ninja kinda font


    kay working on yours now… 🙂 -vivyo

  168. 1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Profile pic.
    2. What size? 200×200 or whatever looks best.
    3. Any specific colors? Black and neon green.
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) WW Avatar: Upupin.
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=4250
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Black.
    7. Any text?

    Could you make it flash? Thanks!
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.)
    9. Anything else?

  169. DarkCloud says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? Siggy Pic
    2. What size? 500 x 100
    3. Any specific colors? Red and Black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? My avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=12240
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: anything in WW
    7. Any text? my name (DarkCloud)
    8. Any effects? No
    9. Anything else? No

  170. Mimi40751 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? A Banner Please
    2. 180×200
    3. Purple and Orange
    4. Yes, the penguin from reviewed by you. Here is the link to it: http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/June%208%20Blog%20Image.png
    5. Lightrays please
    7. Yes. I want it to say “Club Penguin Extravaganza” and then bottom right side that says “Click Here” (Could the text be animated so it fades in and the blinks out like this picture: http://i41.tinypic.com/2cxf7mf.gif)
    8. I would like the words glowing white.
    9. Here is my website. http://mimicpcheats.wordpress.com Comment on it when your done my graphic.


    Trav’s edit: Ok, we’ll have it done by Sunday or Monday! 😀

  171. MathManiac says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Banner
    2. What size? As big as you need. It will shrink
    3. Any specific colors? Red and White
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Me and Thunter
    5. If so, please give a link:http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=36241
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Really something in WW
    7. Any text? WW Masters
    8. Any effects? Be specific. (glow, outlines, textures, etc.) Glow aroung us
    9. Anything else?

    Trav’s edit: Okay Math! We’ll start soon!

  172. Tarheels says:

    Order: Tarheels!

    Can you guyz surprise me plz heres is wiki link:

    Trav’s edit: Please be more specific. What type of graphic do you want? I’m sorry, but you need to be more specific.

  173. Disneyroks says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy Pic
    2. What size? 500 x 100
    3. Any specific colors? Not Really
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.)
    5. If so, please give a link:
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: http://funkeysanddance0104.webs.com/photos/Cool-Backgrounds/rainbow_13.gif
    7. Any text?
    The Graphic Desginer
    8. Anything else?

    Font: Any Cool Font

  174. Vanilla16 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Header if possible
    2. What size? 930 × 198
    3. Any specific colors? any color is fine
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) i would like my WW avatar and keeper’s if possible
    5. If so, please give a link: my wiki http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=19545 Keeper’s wiki http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=19074
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:
    7. Any text? The Wiglington Kids
    8. Anything else? i would like keeper’s avatar and mine if possible

    thanks 🙂

  175. Rocky55119 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic,
    2. What size? AS Big As it needs to be
    3. Any specific colors? yep green red black and flames
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? Avater On Left And Right
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=38371
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Flames And Fireworks
    7. Any text? Top: Rocky55119 HEAD OF STC SQUAD HQ!
    8. Anything else? Nope

    Trav’s edit: Ok Rocky! We’ll get to work right away!

  176. Valmira says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Profile Pic
    2. What dimensions? 500 x 100 pixels
    3. Any specific colors? Hot Pink and Black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=13907
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Polka Dots
    7. Anything else? Try gothic but not that much

    Trav’s edit: Your order is set to be completed and updated on Friday! 😀

    So remember to check back then!

  177. StokedKid says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy
    2. What dimensions? 500 x 100 pixels
    3. Any specific colors? Red and Black
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Avatar
    5. If so, please give a link: http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=13855
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: Something red and black 😀
    7. Anything else? ONLY RED AND BLACK STUFF

  178. thunter23 says:

    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.): Profile Pic
    2. What dimensions?: 3D
    3. Any specific colors?:Red And Purple
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Yes Sure
    5. If so, please give a link:http://www.wiglingtonandwenks.com/play/wiki/?id=36241
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary:Just One With A Black Backgroud And Red Circles

    7. Anything else?: Can It Say Thunter And Sick My Awesome Pet In Green

    Btime’s edit: What do you mean by, dimensions: 3D? We need e.g. 400 x 400

  179. Done
    1.What kind of graphic do you want? (Siggy Pic, Profile Pic, etc.) Siggy Pic.
    2. What dimensions? 400×300
    3. Any specific colors? Blue and green.
    4. Would you like any specific pictures? (Such as your avatar, etc.) Nope.
    5. If so, please give a link: Nope.
    6. What background? Please give link if necessary: http://www.photoshopessentials.com/images/photo-effects/starburst-background/starburst-background.gif Crop please.
    7. Anything else? My name in the middle: Upupin.


    Trav’s edit: We won’t disappoint! Vivyo will be working with us! 😀 Also, I’ll get to work on it right away.

  180. Tarheels says:

    is it free or what?

    vivyo’s edit: yeah, 100% free. 🙂

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