
Any questions? Ask them here! 😀


What programs do you use? TRAV, bTiMe, Vivyo, and Eves use GIMP. Paint uses Paint.NET and Photoshop CS5. Mimi uses Photoshop Elements.

Can I work here with you guys? We will be choosing workers/authors when needed.

😡  When are you going to work on my order?!?!? Please wait as we are all busy with school, traveling, personal problems, or we have better things to do. It also depends on our time zones.

46 Responses to Questions

  1. coke457 says:

    Question for anyone: Is the site down?

  2. Zedrick says:

    A question for Paint:
    On the signatures you have made for me, what font do you use?

  3. timmy6118 says:

    paint can you give me the CP halloween logo plz

  4. Timmy6118 says:

    Where did you get the paint splatter brushes?

  5. coke457 says:

    What are all of your timezones?

    Mimi: I am EST

  6. How do you animate things on GIMP?

    ~Ashley Di

  7. You guys should make a page on how to make graphics and you can post videos about it and stuff!

  8. How do you put a picture on the sidebar and have the embed code under it without have two pictures and now embed code?

  9. ~Karatekel~ says:

    my computer cnt read the font bumbastika so what font is the most simular to it so i can countinue to work at my gfx shop

  10. ~Karatekel~ says:

    how do you make a quality chat bg cause im a beginner gfxs maker and all i have is gimp which i think you hve too aand this is the best chat bg i could make i want to know how to fade the boxes and like know some dimensions and stuff

  11. ~Karatekel~ says:

    are brushes for gimp free to download or does it cost money?

  12. Oh and how do you make it so the newest comments are on top?

    • vivyo says:

      Go to Settings. Then Discussions. Then change older to newer in this part (It’s in the section called”Other comment settings”:

      Comments should be displayed with the _____ comments at the top of each page

  13. Okay you know how you made a banner for a sidebar for me? How do you get an embed code to where when you click the picture it comes to my blog?

    • vivyo says:

      On WordPress, just insert an image widget. Then all the way at the bottom they would ask for “link when clicked”. Put the link there.

  14. Zee says:

    How do you customize the edges of your website? Please reply. ♥

    • vivyo says:

      Go to your dashboard. Scroll down to Appearance. Press the drop-down triangle thing. Then click on background.

  15. Munny1 says:

    Hey Viviyo,
    How did you get the squiggly line brush? I can’t find them at the place you told me to look.

  16. Pingback: Navigation | The Graphics Corner

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