Pick Up!

This is the Pick-Up Page!

Here you pick up orders that have been completed. The pickup page is updated every few days, so check in every day to see if your order is here!


-TRAV and bTiMe

Oh and if the links don’t work, save the image and use that image instead. (Be sure to click on the images first so that they’d be the right size.)

-vivyo 🙂

If you don’t like your graphic(s) just say so. 🙂

If you need your graphic(s) re-added just say so. 🙂


TRAV is currently working on: Timmy’s order

bTiMe is currently working on: Nothing

vivyo is currently working on: Nothing

Paint is currently working on: Nothing

Mimi is currently working on: Nothing

Evesmarty is currently working on: Nothing

Finished Orders

Last Cleared: October 14th, 2010


Cp4real header


CP4Real Header

Link: https://graphicscorner.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/cp4real1.png


Wink’s Chat Background

Link: https://graphicscorner.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/chatbg-copy.jpg


Cp4Real Header – ChangeSorry it took a while. Is this one fine?

Link: https://graphicscorner.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/cp4real2.png


Zedrick’s Forum Signiture

Made by Evesmarty

Link: https://graphicscorner.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/zedrickthedemigod.png


259 Responses to Pick Up!

  1. ♥♦♥|ѕαмму ∂ινєηнαят|♥♦♥ says:

    Hey guys!
    It’s Mimi and I just wanna say that I can’t work on your site any more. No time for me I’m sorry.

    Sammy aka Mimi

  2. Zedrick says:

    Are the orders being worked on?

  3. xXx Wink xXx says:

    Not to be pushy or ungrateful… but on the christmas header you made me? Could you make the red a bit darker like in the mixpod I have here: http://www.angelxoxo119.wordpress.com ? Thanks!

  4. xXx Wink xXx says:

    Thanks soo much! My Christmas header is awesome! May I ask who made it?

  5. Zedrick says:

    Just a question. Not trying to be pushy, but when will mine be done?

  6. xXx Wink xXx says:

    Is there anyway I could get my header back from before halloween? My dad got a new computer system and deleted everything.

  7. xXx Wink xXx says:

    Hey, not to rush anyone… but its been a week since I ordered my banner. Is it almost ready?

  8. bTiMe says:

    WE have lives. You might think it’s an excuse. But other times, when we could be on the computer because we’re at home, we’re not. Why? We don’t want to go blind by our eyes burning into the computer twelve hours a day. I’ll notify Trav to work on your order. I don’t know why he hasn’t been.


  9. 12345hoebenlme says:

    emense!!!!(yeh i know i spelt that wrong realy bad)

  10. xXx Wink xXx says:

    Omg its AWESOME! Thank you so much!

  11. BeezDuL says:

    WOOT!!! EXACTLY 100% Like i wanted!

  12. BeezDuL says:

    How do you guys afford all of this?

  13. flopster says:

    Wow awesome eve! Love it!:)

  14. Exogie says:

    Well, that’s great! Except that I was thinking if the text could be at the bottom of the avatar. Or have another space altogether like this.
    See what I’ve done? Yeah, and if it’s not too bad, make the animation like this one;
    But keep everything else!

  15. Exogie says:

    Is mine being done? 😀 Just wondering, btw, I think Paint did my last one, could she please please make another one, but like I said on the Order Here page? That’d be great!

  16. Flopster says:

    Awesome paint!That is amazing! 🙂

  17. StokedKid says:

    Thanks! I really like it X)!

  18. Is my header almost ready? It’s ok if it’s not.

    ~Ashley Di

  19. Coolie887 says:

    Ummm, I smy header ready?

  20. flopster says:

    Awesome!!!!!!!Well dne mimi that is amazing!

  21. elimz says:

    Woww, Mimi you are amazingly fast. Thanks so much 😀

  22. xXx Wink xXx says:

    Anyone doing mine? O_O Its pretty simple…

  23. That is totally awesome Paint. Thanks so much!

  24. Munny1 says:

    I put in a new order!

  25. MathManiac says:

    (Posted by RonWeasly Not Math Reason- Dont have a wordpress account)
    Thanks For the Siggy

  26. Could you move the penguin down a little mimi? I didn’t want it in the letters… good job though!

  27. Blue Berry 5 says:

    Hello! Can i have the HTML code for the blue and brown mim’s wiget titles? She ordered it for me and i need the HTML code. Thanks

  28. Blue Berry 5 says:

    the invitation ROCKS! thanks 😀 😀 😀 😀 Do you have club penguin?

  29. Mimi40751 says:

    Thanks a lot Paint! Blue Berry loves it a LOT.
    she can’t thank you enough. 😀

    ~-Mimi-~ 😀 😛

  30. Berry says:

    thx for the siggy, paint!!! it looks awesome =))

  31. Mimi40751 says:

    Thank you so much Paint! You are an awesome graphics maker.


  32. Coolie887 says:

    Um, I don’t want to be pushy or anything, but i have been waiting for over a month for my order…..

  33. Mimi40751 says:

    Thank you so much Paint! They’re amazing. I really like the pic you used for Blog roll.


  34. Oh thanks that one is perfect!

  35. ,Drake says:

    I Gotta Repay You Guys Thank You For Making All My Widgets BTW I’m iJames.

  36. ♠spade♠ says:

    Wow these graphics are almost as good as epic gfx, great work guys!

  37. KyL says:

    I ordered a banner, not a header.

  38. timmy6118 says:

    And can u take tht penguin in bwjack banner the one with a pirate bandana and put

  39. bwjack 5000 says:

    could u add html codes below my orders plz

  40. Mimi40751 says:

    Thanks a lot!
    Blue Berry will be really pleased with these.


  41. timmy6118 says:

    Whos doing my order?

  42. Munny1 says:

    Hey Vivyo.
    How did you get the squiggly line brush?

    • vivyo says:

      deviantart.com <-search for gimp brushes

    • vivyo says:

      sorry, idk what it’s called. btw, it doesn’t come glow-y. search abstract brushes. that might be it.

      • Munny1 says:

        nvm, I got it! I just searched brushes and I found it. It’s like some winter thing. I used it for a graphic. I’m going to use this graphic for my site. I’m making something BIG for my site! The graphic is part of it. I’ll show you the graphic as a sneak peak because you answer my questions and stuff.

        That’s the link. Tell me what you think!

      • vivyo says:

        wow, that’s pretty good. I have that brush too, but it’s not the brush I used for the logo. Go to the questions section for the right one. 🙂 also, you should get a sunburst brush.

  43. Reeves246 says:

    I have never used this Site before, but I would like to ask how do you make Headers and Banners like http://cpclubpenguin.com/ I know they use Gimp can you explain in a Guide or something.


    • vivyo says:

      for the fade effect: reduce the opacity of a layer
      for the colored background: colors->colorify
      for the outlining: right-click layer, alpha to selection, select->grow, new layer, fill with a color

  44. timmy6118 says:

    hey paint how did u make the number club penguin font

  45. Munny1 says:

    I placed another order. Can someone do it please? It’s a really really simple order!

    • Susie says:

      Be Patient please Munny! (I can’t do it because I dun have the brush)

      • Munny1 says:

        I’m not patient because I’m EXCITED!!!! This order will help me a lot! You can’t ask me to be patient and calm when this will make me have a GRAPHIC BREAK THROUGH!! Can you? 😀 😀 🙂

      • Susie says:

        …..wow! I never realized a simple black graphic with 1 white stroke of glow would make a person have a Graphic Breakthrough~ LOL

      • Munny1 says:

        Well now you know! Lol! 😀

  46. Mimi40751 says:

    Awesome thanks Vivyo! 😀

  47. timmy6118 says:

    i want tht starburst brush like u did check it again.
    ( the one in the video) ( It said starbursts by dan?)
    plz reply

  48. Thank you soooooo much!!!

  49. timmy6118 says:

    Hey susie
    How did you get tht starburst brush?
    I cant find it in deviantart.com

    plz reply

  50. Blue Berry 5 says:

    Wow it’s great. Thanks Vivyo! 😉 😀 🙂

    -Blue Berry 5

  51. timmy6118 says:

    Hey susie
    How did you get tht starburst brush?
    I cant find it in deviantart.com

  52. timmy6118 says:

    Hey Paint,Where u got the club penguin font??

  53. timmy6118 says:

    Hey vivyo howd you get those brushes?

    • vivyo says:

      deviantart.com <-search for gimp or photoshop brushes. it doesn't matter.

      • timmy6118 says:

        How did you get tht starburst brush?
        I cant find it in deviantart.com

        vivyo’s edit: i think deviantart also. i dun remember what i searched. u should ask susie.

  54. Mimi40751 says:

    I have a question for you. (I don’t know if Vivyo could answer this maybe)
    How do you make a custom penguin? I really wanna know. I use Photoshop but I used Gimp before and they look pretty similar with effects and stuff.


  55. Munny1 says:

    Can someone tell me how to add those glow lines (squiggly lines) to your banner in gimp? I don’t have all the brushes that Vivyo does (I saw the video). Can someone help. How do I get all those custom brushes?

  56. timmy6118 says:

    Hey can u finish it

  57. timmy6118 says:

    How do you cut all those blue stuff And put on a header.
    On club penguin using gimp.

  58. bwjack 5000 says:

    awesome could u put the HTML link below it

  59. bwjack 5000 says:

    how do u get the expert kind of paint plz tell me

  60. Munny1 says:

    I have two questions. Can someone tell me how to outline text in color and how to to make a glow around penguins and other objects (on gimp).
    P.S. Am I asking too many questions? I guess it’s okay because I have a banner on my site for you guys.

    • Susie says:

      Lol munny. Dun worry it’s fine!

      1. right click the text on your layers dialogue and click Alpha to Selection, go to Select, down to grow, then I would suggest about 2 or 3. Then I usually open up a new transparency layer and fill it in with whatever color you want. Then go to select, none.
      2. You do the Outlining steps but before you fill in, you change the shade lighter, so if you wanted blue, change it to a light blue, etc. Then you duplicate the layer, and fill it in with the oringinal color, then duplicate that layer 2 times. So you have 3 oringinal outline, and one light shaded outline. Then you go to Filters, Blur, Guassian Blur, then set it to 5.0 for the highest layer, 10.0 for the middle oringinal layer, then 20.0 for the last oringinal color layer. If you need a more orginized tut. go to http://youtube.com/vivyo and find her How To Make A Glow/Neon Look On GIMP video or something close to that.

  61. Mimi40751 says:

    Thanks a lot Paint. They’re great. 🙂

  62. Munny1 says:

    I have a question about GIMP. When I’m working on GIMP I make my graphics animated, I save my graphics, I upload them to my site, and then they are not animated anymore. Can someone PLEASE help me?

    • vivyo says:

      did u save them as an animate gif? (.gif file and then check the animated box)

      • Munny1 says:

        Ohh. Let me try that and I’ll let you know what happens.
        Thanks Vivyo!

      • Munny1 says:

        It worked! Thanks! I have another question about gimp, if anybody can answer. Can someone tell me how to make text fade in and out on gimp?
        Thanks! BTW, I put your banner on my site. If you look for it, look for a lightray widget that says “Our GFX Maker.”

      • Susie says:

        I have never done that before, but I would guess that Vivyo or whoever did do it, did it by creating animation slides, (For the text), then on each slide she would lower the Opacity a bit…

      • Munny1 says:

        Ohh. Now that you mention it, that seems like it should work. Thanks Susie!

      • vivyo says:

        yup susie’s right about the opacity thing

  63. squirrelya says:


  64. Mimi40751 says:

    Hey Vivyo I have a question for you.
    Do you use Photoshop for making a penguin change it’s position like Munny’s penguin?
    If not what program do you use to make a penguin change it’s position.
    I’d love to try and make my own. 🙂


  65. Munny1 says:

    I placed another order.
    I hope you can do it.

  66. clubpenguinpeep says:

    Love It can you make it a bit bigger?

  67. squirrelya says:

    Thanks susie!

    I really dont mean to bother you but when i put the widget in my sidebar

    and i click it it says ”search not found”

    http://www.thewwcheats.wordpress.com <—can you please go there an click the widget on the sidebar and check it

    Sorry to bother you

    • vivyo says:

      it’s because the link is “http://www.thewwcheatsheadliner.blogspot.xn--com-9o0a/” instead of “http://www.thewwcheatsheadliner.blogspot.com”

      • squirrelya says:

        and so what can i do to fix it??

        vivyo’s edit: (sorry cant reply for some reason)
        go to widgets. then image. (add an image) put the link for the image at image url and then on “Link URL (when the image is clicked):” put in the link of the website u want it to go to

      • squirrelya says:

        i tried that did not work,so i tried a different way and it worked

      • Susie says:

        Just use the new HTML code given..

  68. Munny1 says:

    I have a question for Vivyo. What to do you use for making animated graphics?
    If you could tell me this, I would be really happy!
    ~Munny1 🙂

  69. Munny1 says:

    Thanks so much for the widget titles Vivyo!

  70. Mimi40751 says:

    Thanks a lot for the widgets Susie. 😀


  71. clubpenguinpeep says:


  72. Are you making my header or do I have to repeat myself just because I accidentally posted my comment in the wrong spot?

  73. Munny1 says:

    I ordered a long time ago. Before a lot of people. Can you tell me if you’re working on my order?

  74. billybobrox says:

    Thaks for the logo Susie. 🙂

    Billy Bob 1

  75. ,Drake says:

    Thanks Guys You Rock!!!!

  76. squirrelya says:

    Hey susie! thanks but can you like change the size for the wordpress size


    or i can just crop it on paint?

  77. A header for “Cp4real” In Green and pink. It is a Club Penguin related website, Thanks!

    vivyo’s edit: k workin on it right now!

  78. ,Drake says:

    Thanks Vivyo You Rock Ill Give You a Prize Soon!

  79. Munny1 says:

    I submitted another order

  80. Munny1 says:

    Vivyo, you know those squiggly white lines in your support banner? What are those called?

  81. Munny1 says:

    Vivyo, I submitted another order. Can you do it?

  82. squirrelya says:

    Thanks Viv!

    It’s looks cool for a MAC background

  83. Munny1 says:

    I gave you another order.

  84. Mimi40751 says:

    That is amazing. Thank you so much Vivyo. 🙂

  85. Munny1 says:

    I have a question. What two fonts are in your header?

  86. ilovecpalot says:

    lol i made a new order too

  87. Munny1 says:

    Thanks! It’s awesome!!

  88. Munny1 says:

    I made a new order

  89. ilovecpalot says:

    i love it!! its awesome thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  90. Mimi40751 says:

    Thanks a lot! I love my logo.
    Your graphics shop rocks!

    PS. You should make a banner so people can support you. If you did I would add it to my site. 🙂

  91. wwmathmaniac says:

    Whoa Its camazing

  92. Mimi40751 says:

    WOW!!! I love it!
    Thanks a lot vivyo it’s awesome. 🙂 😀 😎

    PS. I’m going to add you to my blog roll. Your graphics rock! 🙂

  93. valmira says:

    Wow! Thanks Vivyo I really appriecaite you making the pic for me!!

  94. Disneyroks says:

    Remote Fill is too large..

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